Wednesday, October 23, 2013

To my Elle Belle on her Second Birthday

Ella 4 months

6 months

2 years

I'm not sure it happened, but you have turned into a little girl.  You are no longer a baby.  I was really counting on you to be my baby for just a little longer.  I remember with Owen all I wanted was for him to meet the next milestone.  I wanted him to walk, talk, run, learn things, etc.  I think that is common for your first born.  With you I just want it all to slow down so I can enjoy every minute. 

I remember when I was 20 weeks pregnant with you and I said that I wanted another boy.  All I could picture was two boys.  People were shocked that I said this because I am a girly girl through and through.  When we got our ultrasound I couldn't believe they said "It's a girl!"  I cried so hard because I was so relieved and happy.  I think I was just setting myself up to not be disappointed because deep down I would love a girl. 

And oh how I have LOVED having a girl.  You are the definition of girly girl but with splashes of toughness that you get from your brother.  You spend most of your days taking care of your baby dolls.  Diapering, feeding, putting down for naps, going on's a full time job for you and you love it.  You love dressing up and pretending to do things I do.  You love to copy my cleaning, putting on makeup, cooking, and more!  When Daddy gets home you bring out your tough side and you demand him to get on the floor and wrestle!  You are also gorgeous!  We can't go anywhere without people commenting on how cute and tiny you are!

You have been so different from your brother...easier in many ways but harder in others.  You have been a great sleeper from day 1 (and in your own bed!)  You entertain yourself for hours!  BUT you are quite a stinker sometimes.  You have learned the word no and you give mean little looks when you are mad!  I can see that you have a mind of your own and it is hard to get through your stubborn little head sometimes!  It is sometimes hard to stay mad at you and that goes against my tough mommy ways!

Ella Rose I can't even explain how much I love you and how much you have brightened our lives in two years!  I can't wait to do so many mother/daughter things with you!  I love seeing you grow, and change, and learn new things.  I love that you look at your brother with so much love and what to be just like him.  It completely melts my heart.  I can't wait to see what the next year brings! 

I love you sweet girl.  Happy Birthday!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Time is Flying!

I remember when I was a teenager and time dragged on and I was constantly wishing it would go faster.  Not so much anymore!  Now that I am an adult ,and especially a mom, I feel like I can't keep track of the time because it is flying by. 
Fall has arrived and we have had a great few weeks.  I will explain some highlights through pictures.
We took the kids to see Turbo at the movies.  This was Ella's first movie and we were a little concerned that she was so young and wondered if she would sit that long.  She doesn't really watch TV yet at home.  She will watch a few minutes of a show but is mostly playing with toys and half watching.  Anyway she did amazing!  She snacked and was interested in pretty much the first hour.  The last hour she didn't care much about the movie but she stayed in her seat and chatted quietly to herself.  Owen was almost 3 (or maybe already 3 can't remember!)  when he saw his first movie. He loves going to movies!  Turbo was cute and he really loved it.

The flash was SO bright she couldn't keep her eyes open

Beech Grove has a fall festival every year.  Owen is always so excited to go and ride rides.  This year he said he was only riding the big rides because he isn't a baby anymore...BUT he couldn't resist riding the motorcycles with his sister.

In line for the Wipeout.  My boy is quite the daredevil!

Ella riding with her cousin Dani

My mother in law had a birthday so the family got together and made her dinner.  The cousins have not all been together in a long time so they were happy to get together and be loud!

Everyone had to take turns sitting on Papaw's motorcycle!

Dustin and I had a wedding anniversary September 26th.  We went to Ohio for two nights of relaxation.  The kids stayed with my Aunt June and Uncle Jeff.  Owen also got to spend time golfing with his Grandpa.  They had so much fun and so did we.  It was EXACTLY what we needed.  We saw a movie...went out to eat (a lot!) went shopping...and most importantly, we took naps and woke up whenever we wanted to. It really was a perfect time and I must say that every year of marriage gets better and better.   I was sad to see our weekend end but so excited to see the kiddos. 

Our friends recently got a heater for their pool so yesterday we went swimming at their house.  Ella had to model her first ever bikini.  She was so proud and excited to try it on.  It was weird to be swimming in October but the water was warm!

Ella isn't even two yet and has some pretty great cheer motions!  She loves to watch Cheer Perfection with her momma!