Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Our Fall Family Pictures

We had our family pics taken in October.  Our friend Krista is a photographer and always does an amazing job.  You can find her at... Krista Nicole Photography.  We hadn't had any done since Ella was about 6 months old so we were overdue!! 
Here are the pictures we got!  I love them...Ella was a stinker most of the time but she managed to cooperate enough to get some great shots (with the help of M&M's).

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Oakley Party of FIVE!

I finally talked Dustin into another baby!!  If you know Dustin, then you know he is usually dead set against another one. The older and easier the kids get to take care of, the easier it is to get him to agree that it's time for another one! 

Our newest arrival is due June 16th.  That date is also special to us because it is our ten year anniversary!  We are going to have a surprise this time and not find out the sex! This will be really hard but if this is my last I want one surprise! 

The kids are really excited...Ella keeps pushing her belly out and saying there is a baby in her belly too.  Owen keeps saying he just can't believe it! 

This first 12 weeks have been pretty easy compared to most peoples but I will say there have been some differences for sure this time.  Hoping for a smooth pregnancy like the last two were!

Anyway thank you for all the well wishes and congrats on facebook!  We are very excited for round 3!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Fall Fun!

We have had a great month!  Can't believe it's going to be Thanksgiving in two days!  Time is flying around here! 

Ella update:  Ella is potty trained!  Whoop whoop!  I am so very happy about this...Owen was easy and Ella put up a fight at first but within a week she was done.  I still put a diaper on at night time because it's a lot to expect her to be dry for 11 or 12 hrs but most days she wakes up dry!  She is doing so great and I am proud of her.  She is so cute and spunky these days.  Loves dressing up and being silly.  She is full of the NOs and it's driving me crazy...This week No became NO WAY!  Oh boy...girls are trouble!

Owen update:  Owen is doing so well with schools stuff that we work on everyday.  He is starting to do some early reading and is soaking it all in.  He amazes me sometimes how fast he learns and how much he loves to learn.  He has little workbooks and loves to do them.  He has been a really good boy behavior wise lately too!

Dustin has been gone a ton lately because Basketball season started!  He is now the Varsity Head Coach at Arlington High School.  Their first game is Wednesday night.  As much as I hate how much he is gone, I love going to all of his games and watching him coach. 

Here are some pics from the last month or so:

We went to Grandpa Jeff's Horse farm for some fall fun

Owen and Skyla insisted on riding together

Drew Carey and I went to the Beckham's annual Halloween party

Owen was a Chef on Halloween just like Grandpa.  My dad had a chef coat made with his name embroidered and everything!

Ella was scared of the scarier dressed kids!

Passing out candy with Grandpa