Thursday, January 30, 2014

Winter fun!

We had an extra week of winter break due to a big snow storm so we were snowed in a few days.  The kids got to play outside for the first time in awhile!  Here are the remainder of the pics I have that I have been so behind on posting!!  It will be nice to be finally caught up :)

We went to Incredible Pizza for the first time over break.  The kids had a blast!

Always a cheerleader!

Ignore the chaos...We were still sorting through the THOUSANDS of Christmas gifts our kids get!!

Oh my...

We made snow ice cream!

Jammies, boots, cartoons.  Ella loves being snowed in!

Owen started basketball for the first time this winter.  He absolutely LOVES it.

Fun at the mall

In other news...Baby number 3 is really growing and kicking!!  Baby is head up and really doing a number on my bladder!  I have never had a baby head up at this point and it's making me crazy!  Other than that my pregnancy is going as well as the other too!  I am now 20 weeks and wishing it would slow down.   I want to enjoy every minute just in case this is the last Oakley baby for us.  We went to our ultrasound a couple weeks ago.  Baby was kicking so much!!  We stayed strong and did NOT find out the sex.  I have strong boy vibes this time and I feel huge already like I was with Owen so I will be totally shocked if it comes out a girl!!  Twenty more weeks and we shall see :)
15 weeks 5 days

17 weeks 2 days
20 weeks 2 days

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Christmas is always exhausting and involves a lot of traveling from place to place.  We started Christmas eve with the Oakleys.  We wake up at our house and the kids open presents from Santa...then we head over in our jammies to Dustin's parents house.  From there we went to my parents house up in Thorntown and then finish our Christmas at my Aunt Jean's in Brownsburg.  This year went pretty smooth because the kids were both at ages where they were excited about all of it!  Next year we will have a 6 month old, 3 year old, and 6 year old so it will be even more exhausting lol.  Ella came down with a fever Christmas night and ended up having an ear infection so that was no fun :(.  Here are the rundown of pictures from our Christmas!

Ella with her cousin Dani


Ella refused to be a good sport!

We also went to Christmas at the zoo.  We hadn't been since Ella was a newborn so it was really fun this year!  

Dustin surprised me with a date to St. Elmo's and then we went to see A Christmas Carol at the IRT.  It was a perfect night out!!!